Make accurate and professional diagnoses
Launch an advanced diagnostic in one click and generate a report on the condition of a hard drive.
Make accurate and professional diagnoses
Launch an advanced diagnostic in one click and generate a report on the condition of a hard drive.
Example of a QuickDiag for customers
Example of a QuickDiag for technician
Processing of undetected hard drives
Diagnosis of the type of breakdown
SMART of disk
Quick diagnosis “Quick Diag”
Complete diagnosis
Printable diagnostic report
Clone Windows unrecognized disks in 4 clicks to temporary support by isolating defective sectors.
Optimized reading
Using the Puma Cloner Assistant
Target and save in 4 clicks files or folders from a disk at the beginning of failure
Using the Puma Cloner Assistant
Targeting and extraction
Creating a listing of recovered files
End of extraction report